Smart City Strategie Ulm

Too many cooks spoil the broth? - Not in Ulm.

 Termin der Veranstaltung: Mi, 13.04.2022, 17.00-18.00 Uhr

Smart City Strategy Ulm | presented in English - "Too many cooks spoil the broth?" - Not in Ulm, where lots of different parties from the economy, science, society and the city administration created the Smart City Strategy for Ulm over the last two years. What is a smart city? In short, a smart city makes more out of less. It needs fewer resources and at the same time creates more quality of life for citizens through digital and innovative solutions. Ulm was one of the first cities in Germany to develop and adopt its own Smart City Strategy. On this afternoon we would like to present the Strategy to you and get to talk about it. The event will be in English and free of charge.

Sindy Würffel, project manager of IOT4EU - "Internet of Things for Europe - Shaping Digital Sustainability Together in Europe", will lead the event. This is a workshop within the framework of the "IOT4EU" project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and supervised by VDI Technology Centre.



Münsterplatz 25

89073 Ulm


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