Sharing beyond borders

Sharing beyond borders - Online Conference and Partner Meeting of the Danube Network

 10. Jul. 2020

"Sharing beyond borders: New ways of care, communication and cooperation of older people along the Danube and in Europe in times of COVID-19"

The aim of the event is to exchange and develop ideas for future cooperation along the Danube and in Europe in times of Corona and afterwards on the basis of impulse lectures and discussions in working groups on topics such as digitalisation, new ways of learning in later life, age-friendly living and inclusive cities, intergenerational dialogue, discrimination in the old age in times of COVID-19 and many more. Special attention will be paid to the use of new interactive media for communication and cooperation online and the question of how to protect older people from social isolation and using their experiences and competences for personal and social engagement.

The extensive programme includes political statements and a discussion with European politicians and experts, lectures, workshops, a social evening and presentations, held by civil society organisations along the Danube and in Europe.

Please find more details here:



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